Clawmark's VG Parser plugin for ACT
A plugin for ACT for parsing log files from Vanguard: Saga of Heroes.
ACT: Advanced Combat Tracker
VGClawActPlugin v0.2b
Plugin - Source
How to Set Up ACT
- Run ACT.
- On the plugins tab, click Browse and pick VgClawActPlugin.dll, then click Add/Enable Plugin.
- On the plugins tab, remove the "ACT_English_Parser.cs" plugin. That is the EQ2 parsing plugin. It will not work correctly for VG.
- Set the name of your character that will do the parsing in Options - Data Correction - Miscellaneous.
- Close ACT and re-run it.
How to Set Up VG
- Open a new chat tab and name it "ParseLog" or whatever you like. I would suggest putting it on a separate window from the main tab group.
- In the chat options for that tab, enable these options: Your Kills, Others' Kills, Auto Attack, Your Casts, Others' Casts, Your Damage Success, Your Damage Fail, Your Buffs Success, Your Buffs Fail, Incoming Damage Success, Incoming Damage Fail, Others' Damage Success, Others' Damage Fail, Others' Buffs Success, Others' Buffs Fail, NPC Damage Other Success, NPC Buffs Success, NPC Damage Others Fail, NPC Buffs Fail, Others' Pet Buffs Fail, Others' Pet Buffs Success, Others' Pet Damage Fail, Others' Pet Damage Success, My Pet Buffs Fail, My Pet Buffs Success, My Pet Damage Fail, My Pet Damage Success, Rune, Death, Ambient
- In the chat options for that tab, enable "Time Stamp".
- If lag is a problem for you, you may try this: Make another tab in the same window as that new tab: Call it "Nothing", and make it the visible tab. This may help prevent the combat spam from adding graphics lag on your system.
How to Use
- I do NOT suggest enabling real-time parsing (Options - Miscellaneous). See the note below about Vanguard's log flushing problem.
- I DO suggest manually importing log files that have been properly closed from inside VG.
- Make sure you have followed the above "How To" steps for VG and ACT.
- Inside VG, type /log to enable logging.
- Inside VG, fight stuff.
- Inside VG, type /log to stop logging and flush all data to the log file.
- Inside ACT, on the Import/Export tab, click "Select File" and pick the log file corresponding to the tab name you created in VG. Adjust the "Point of View" if needed to match the character name that recorded the log.
- Inside ACT, view the parse data on the Main tab.
Notes and Vanguard Bugs
- Criticals hits are not yet parsed. This does not affect damage, only the displayed critical chance.
- Misses are not yet parsed, so everything shows 100% hit rate.
- Many vanguard log lines are missing data, and so cannot be completely parsed:
- Vanguard does not produce log lines for healing done by some blood mage taps, so healing for the taps are not possible to parse. Some other abilities (such as mottleberries) have similar problems.
- Numerous loglines for different abilities don't state who did the damage or performed the heal (for example, some heal lines from inner light). Damage/heals for those will get attributed to "???".
- A number of damage/heal logs don't state what ability was used. In some specific cases, a descriptive name is used based on the log text. In most cases these get bucketed under the ability "???".
- Most abilities do not state what type of damage they are doing in their logline. Only the few that do have that data parsed.
- Vanguard does not flush its loglines to the log file frequently. It usually only happens after a large number of lines have been buffered or the log is closed. As a result, real-time parsing cannot work correctly.
- Vanguard only places hour-minute-second inside their log files. The plugin uses today's year-month-day, so importing a log file that contains times from both before and after midnight may not give correct results.
0.2b - 2012 May 3
- Handle blood mage life tap lines as viewed from the blood mage.
- Filter out a known typo'd color tag (highlight>).
- Fix another instance of "Corpse of Mob" showing up as a separate character.
0.2a - 2012 April 30
- Switch to using ACT's active character name rather than a plugin-maintained active character name.
- Add a button in the plugin options to add Vanguard-friendly clipboard export formats.
- Handle a few more heal lines that were previously being missed.
- Parse deaths.
- First release of the source code.
0.1b - 2012 April 28
- Handle a few damage/heal lines that were previously being missed.
- Give unhandled logline window scroll bars.
- Condense "corpse of Mob" lines into "Mob".
0.1a - 2012 April 27
- Handle many more damage/heal log lines where the name of the ability or the name of the attacker is not present.
- Add detection of potentially unhandled loglines, and a UI component to view them.
0.0a - 2012 April 22
For questions or comments email: